Thinking of You Week might not be marked on everyone’s calendar, but it presents a terrific opportunity to remind the people in your life how much they mean to you. Whether it’s rekindling old friendships or nurturing current relationships, this special week encourages the expression of unspoken thoughts. This year, Thinking of You Week runs from September 16th – 22nd, 2024. I’ll share more about the history of the week at the end of this post.
In the spirit of connectivity and relationships, The Power Of Meaningful Compliments: Uplifting and Empowering Others offers eight ideas of compliments certain to uplift and empower others. These eight ideas were originally shared by The Just Girl Project, and I wanted to take a moment to share them because they are so very impactful. You can learn more about the project on Instagram @justgirlproject.
Send a Card, Deliver a Smile
In a world where rapid digital messaging is the norm, the act of selecting a card and preparing a hand-written note stands out as a special gesture. It’s a way to show sincerity and reignite connections, brightening someone’s day in a way a text message simply can’t. There’s something undeniably delightful about a carefully chosen card with a handwritten note carrying your sincere, heartfelt words.
The sweet surprise of receiving a personalized card can turn an ordinary day into an extraordinary one. Thinking of You Week gives us the occasion to put pen to paper and convey our affection and care. The moment when someone opens your card is magical; it’s a tangible expression of “I’m here for you,” which can leave an indelible mark.
The Power of Compliments
Compliments are a powerful way to connect and often remain etched in memories, reinforcing bonds that transcend time and distance. The art of complimenting someone sincerely should not be underestimated. A thoughtful compliment can change the dynamic of someone’s day or even their self-perception. In the spirit of Thinking of You Week, go beyond the generic, and strive for personalized accolades that speak to the unique traits of the recipient. Consider their talents, kindnesses, or the subtle ways they make the world better.
Here are eight compliment idea starters that can inspire your personal messages this Thinking of You Week:
- “You look happy”
- “You make me feel better”
- “You inspire me”
- “You have great energy”
- “You’re fun to be around”
- “I love talking to you”
- “I wish there were more people like you”
- “You’re a good listener”

Of course, you will want to provide specifics that personalize the message. For example, “You’re fun to be around. I had such a great time with you at the book fair last weekend.” Then, share a bit more about the great time you had. Or “You’re a good listener. Thanks for really listening to my concerns about being a better parent.” Then, share more about how you got a new idea or reassurance that was helpful. Sharing specific feelings and memories adds that personal touch, rekindling emotions and strengthening connections.
Maya Angelou had it right when she said “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
Your Next Steps
Thinking of You Week is a golden opportunity for purposeful engagement. It’s a chance to communicate the often-unspoken thoughts that can make a difference in your life and the life of the recipient. A great approach to the week is to participate in the Thinking of You Week Challenge. It’s a simple formula: seven days, seven people, seven greeting cards.

- Prepare a list of the seven people you want to celebrate and a quick note to self of what you want to write about for each.
- Spend some time with your favorite local card retailer to stock up on a selection of seven individual greeting cards that are appropriate for each recipient. For example, Jenny loves roses. On the other hand, Barbara has been an inspiration while she was going through a difficult time. You might pick out a card featuring roses for Jenny and lotus blossoms for Barbara, as the lotus represents overcoming adversity. Below I’ve shown a couple of examples that could work for these recipients.
- Consider any additional items that will help prepare your messages. For example, do you need a new pen, have you moved and need a new return address stamp or labels?
- Remember the postage. If you don’t have a supply of stamps on hand, be sure to pick some up in advance.
I suggest doing all of this no later than the first week of September so that you can begin to pop those greeting cards in the mail on September 16th. Now that you’re ready, you can relax and prepare to make someone’s day during Thinking of You Week!
This guest post is from Sheryl Ball of Sheryl’s Virtual Garden! See more from her at: